Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Yummmmm......Cheesecake Factory!

Use the following link to answer the Cheesecake Factory Scavenger Hunt questions found on  Answers can be found on this official site. The links to videos up above are for your viewing pleasure :) So excited for Cheesecake Factory!!!!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Cakes, Cookies and Candy Assignment

All your relatives are gathering for a big holiday meal. You have been asked to bring two types of dessert.
Describe how you will prepare two recipes for cake, cookies, pie, or candy for this occasion.

  • How will you use cakes, cookies, pies, and/or candies to add variety to your familys meal? 

 (Answer the question, describe and place recipes and any pictures available on your blog)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Me and Julia

“Find something you're passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it.” 

A culinary icon, America's favorite chef and cooking teacher, Julia Child. After watching the video Julie and Julia, you should have a better understanding of the impact Julia has made in the culinary world.  Using the link below, go to the website "5 Healthy Lessons Julia Child Taught Us" and choose one of the five lessons to focus on.  Write a paragraph summary on your blog of your thoughts and reactions to the chosen lesson.  Support your summary with what you have learned about Julia Child and how it relates to you as well.  

Follow up your reaction with a Julia Child recipe that you have researched, found and would be willing to make in your home.  Give support as to why you chose this recipe and why it would be a recipe you would like to try.